Home > Artworks > enrique mario federico moalli moalli

Photo of enrique mario federico moalli moalli Uruguay

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Enrique Moalli


1953 born in Montevideo

Begins as self-

Forms in the workshop of William Fernandez Between 1978 and 1984

Collective Expo:


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23.62 x 31.50 in
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Enrique Moalli


1953 born in Montevideo

Begins as self-

Forms in the workshop of William Fernandez Between 1978 and 1984

Collective Expo:


Republic Bank wooden sculptures

Spring Area Illustrated Poetry

2 nd Space Illustrated Poetry

Selected in two contests Paul Cezanne

Selected Motor Club competitions

1st Artisans & Plastics meeting

1 ª Bienal young Plastics

2 nd and 3 rd plastics Biennial Youth (participate out of competition)

IMDEA information center Maldonado Punta del Este

Tapestries corner

Notaries Gallery

1 st National Fair crafts

Uruguayan crafts house London Canning

Invited to the Biennale de Maldonado

Italian artists living in Uruguay in El Cabildo

2 nd National Crafts Fair

Workshop group show Guillermo Fernandez

1 Craft Biennale

2 Craft Biennale

Participated in numerous international exhibitions unique pieces

And production.

Since the year 1982 combines its business with the artist as a craftsman and designer.

Participated in 21 chances in the National Fair

Arial "> Paper Crafts Engraving and Drawing.

Individual Expo:

Notarized Gallery

The workshop

University Area

Notarized Gallery

Whole Street Gallery.


1st Exhibition of Young Artists, Young Men's Christian Association (silver medal)

Mention in the Salon of Poetry Illustrated.

1st Prize at the First Biennial of Young Plastic (Coca Cola)

Honorable Mention Casa del Teatro contest.

Distinction ANTEL 86

Automobile Club, Honorable Mention

Crafts Awards

Acquisition Prize at the Biennale des Arts Décoratifs in Milan

Award Exhibition at La Biennale crafts Municipal Subway

Award show in quartermaster maldonado

Special Mention in the first crafts fair organized by Manos del Uruguay.

Honorable mention at the 1st Biennial of Crafts Municipal Subway.


Uruguayan Art History (Angel Kalemberg)

Craft Uruguay (Architect Olga Larnodie)

Arial ">

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